Sunday, February 19, 2012

Growing Up

 "I cannot remember a moment in my life when I have not felt the love of my family."

 My dad was in the restaurant and night club business for as far back as I can remember. He was able to provide for his family while my mom was able to stay home. Although they were able to hand me anything I wanted, instead they chose to teach me, each in their own unique way, that hard work and determination is what really pays off in life. I remember being little and standing on a stool next to my mom in the kitchen learning how to cook. One day I would have a family of my own and cooking was a talent I needed to have. Then there was the business aspect of life. You work. You work really, really hard and eventually you'll reap what you sow. It was nice to have a family where mom could stay home and dad could make sure all the bills were paid.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. One day my parents were paying cash for a brand new car and the next they were trying to figure out how to buy a simple gallon of milk. Through all the trials and tribulations my parents remained true to each other. I know it wasn't easy...there's no way it could have been. Although back then it may not have seemed possible, things could have been much worse. He was with us all along, and we were living out what He had planned. In the end, we came out of it a much stronger family.

"God never said that life would be easy. He just promised that it would be worth it."

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